
  1. Freemelt as an investment
  2. Financial Reports
  3. Press Releases
  4. Financial Calendar
  5. The Share
    1. Stock Exchange Listing
    2. Rights Issue 2024
    3. Rights Issue 2025
    4. List of Shareholders
  6. Governance
    1. Board of Directors
    2. Nomination Commitee
    3. Executive Management
    4. Certified Adviser
    5. General Meetings
    6. Articles of Association
    7. Company Description
  7. IR Contact

Darin Everett

VP, Freemelt-Americas, Inc.

Birth Year

VP, Freemelt-Americas, Inc.

Education and background
BSME, Missouri University of Science & Technology- MS&T, USA.
Darin studied Mechanical Engineer and spent 10 years in Petrochemical & Oil Refining, then 18 years at Stratasys, 3D Printer OEM, during sales growth from $28M to $650M.  Darin has extensive experience in Sales, Sales Management and & Channel Management building new high-value niches in manufacturing, like Aerospace & US Gov. DoD Segment, training best sales applications & processes as well as, managing channel sales growth.

Other assignments

Ownership of shares and stock-options directly and indirectly
300,000 stock-options, Incitamentsprogram USA 2023/2027