Erik Lindeblad

Board member
Birth Year
Board member in Freemelt Holding AB (publ) since 2021
Sea Captain degree from Chalmers University of Technology
Previous assignments within Freemelt
Board member in Freemelt AB between 2019-2021
Other assignments
Board member in Aktiebolaget Micropol Fiberoptic, Lindeblad Technology AB, Infrea AB, Absortech International AB, SenseNode AB, Simplex Motion AB, ReVibe Energy AB, Ekkono Solutions AB, Absortech Group AB, Hyker Security AB, Pamica 2 AB, Micropol Fiberoptic Holding AB, Teamster Holding AB and Sappa Holding AB.
Ownership of shares directly and indirectly
2,168,962 shares indirectly
Independent in relation to the company and senior management and to the company’s major shareholders.